Morning Fastbreakers

                                           Florence Park Café

     Today the morning breakfast klatch met at the recently opened Florence Park Café at 3144 East 15th Street, 918-619-6300. The owner Jonathan Haring is sticking to his five year plan for the success of this modest café.

     The breakfast menu shows six breakfast dishes, none of which offer eggs. At first it seemed crazy and we discussed how far he could go without offering eggs or even pancakes for breakfast.  He has a new  concept for breakfast. 

     We took the critic’s risk and ordered from the six items listed. The first breaker ordered French Toast. It sounded safe enough. The tiny slices of house made toast battered and served with an herb butter sauce which contained pecan halfs. No maple syrup. There were six small slices of toast about a quarter of the size of standard sliced bread along with the house mix of fried red potatoes, diced green bell pepper, and onions. It looked and tasted terrific according to the first fast breaker.  He had a  side order of sauage patties.

     The second breaker ordered Potato Pollock (pronounced Polluck). According to Jonathan, once you get near or into Canada, every menu offers this dish. It is home fried red potatoes, chopped ham, with green bell peppers and onions smothered in cheese. It was an expanded house mix. The breaker thought it was pretty good.

     The third breaker ordered the Breakfast Steak. It is a ham steak with the house mix. The ham was delicious and juicy. The house mix took a little getting used to, but it was good.

     Everybody should try this café. It is different, but not strange. The TBC liked all the breakfast dishes served, but had a little trouble with this new concept of no eggs or pancakes. Maybe we should have given points for creativity, but we didn’t. The grade was A-.

Potatoes Pollock

French Toast

Breakfast Steak